We have so many great Bible study tools to choose from - you've only got to decide which to study first! 😄📖

Besides some of our past favorite studies, you'll also receive access to our NEW Radiant-themed Scripture Writing Extras for 2023, which includes monthly intros, questions, and phone & computer wallpapers.

You'll also get immediate access to the first TWO of our 3 full-length Bible studies for 2023:

*Creative Bible Study (a special video course)
*First Mary, Then Martha
*Water in the Word (coming in August)

In addition, you'll receive access to ALL of the Flourish Scripture Writing Extras from last year & the 3 full-length Bible studies from 2022:

*Her Story, His Glory
*Powerful Prayers
*The Light of the World

And our largest Bible study workbook yet - "The Obstacle Course: Navigating the Hurdles to Consistent Bible Study." 

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Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you are unsatisfied with your bundle, reach out to us to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.